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Savings You Can Almost Taste

Come in for lunch or dinner any day of the week and treat yourself to some of the best food and drink specials in town! Old School Bar & Grill in Windham, NH is the perfect spot to hang out amongst great food and great company. With a live entertainment patio all summer and laid-back vibes all year round, we pride ourselves on serving the freshest, most flavorful food and drinks Windham has grown to love. Satisfy your palate and save money while doing it! Our weekly specials and promotions are for dine-in customers only. Excluding holidays. Ask your server for details.


Enjoy Our Weekly Specials & Promotions

We’re making it easy for you to enjoy many of your favorite food and drinks without the guilt of breaking the bank! Old School Bar & Grill is proud to offer excellent specials and discounted rates on many of your favorite menu items all throughout the week.


Lunch Menu Available Monday through Friday 11:30 AM- 3 PM

Monday – $9 Martinis!

Order any martini of your choice for only $9 after 6 PM

Wednesday – Wine Down Wednesdays!

Enjoy half-priced bottles of wine ALL DAY every Wednesday.

Thursday-Sunday – Prime Rib!

Available after 4 PM while it lasts. Served with your choice of two sides, with three sizes to choose from!

Did Someone Say Happy Hour?!

Join us from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM every Monday through Thursday for Happy Hour! Happy Hour at Old School Bar & Grill is the place to be to unravel the stresses of the day among good food, friends, and family. Our Happy Hour features amazing discounts on full-portioned appetizers, mixed drinks, beers, and wines by the glass!

At Old School Bar & Grill, we appreciate patrons like you and strive to provide a memorable, rewarding experience for your ongoing loyalty and support. We invite you to stop in today, where we’re all a little guilty of a good time.

Explore Our Menu